Can you take on North Korea?

Firefighter I would also be interested to know that the weekend and we can get the latest news from you again and I have been made in writing and I have been made in writing and I am looking for the school is going.

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Created by: Jam Fow
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You walk into school ready for a normal day of lessons, you see your group of friends and start to begin a conversation, what do you say?
  2. As you walk in to registration, your group start laughing at you as you have a patch of mud near your bottom, You..
  3. Suddenly a shout is heard outside followed by gunfire. You shout...
  4. As the North Korean grabs a girl and uses her as a human shield you...
  5. As you dispatch the Korean and walk down the stairs you hear marching in the car park, you...
  6. As you finish off the Koreans you spot Kim Jong Un fleeing, you...
  7. As he flees, an attack helicopter lines up with the building behind (which is full of students) you...
  8. As the smoke clears you emerge to talk to your friends, the girl you rescued is there and is smiling at you, she asks if she can visit later, you...
  9. The news team appear to interview you, you say...
  10. When you go to Army Cadets the next night you are attacked by ISIS, you...
  11. When you get to cadets the building is on fire, you...
  12. When you finally get home you see an old seagull outside your front door, you...
  13. This is it!

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Quiz topic: Can I take on North Korea?