Can You Survive WW3?

I’m Batman... I Am Bat-Man!!! I’M AM BATMAN!!!!! I’m The Batman... I’m The Buttman! Ok I’m sorry that was mean... JK (as you hip teens would say) I’m not sorry at all.

Are YOU a genius? (I just copied the example) also the screen said no net speak, so... ur,b4,luv,jk,btw,etc.... Tank you and have a bad day!!!! At this point I’m trying to get over 150 letters

Created by: Nathan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Country do you live in?
  2. Choose a hiding spot.
  3. Choose a weapon.
  4. Who do you trust?
  5. How would you defeat an enemy?
  6. An army of ENTER NAME HERE are surrounding you, what do you do?
  7. You are in an abandoned store and can only carry one thing, what is it?
  8. everyone in your town abandoned you, what do you do?
  9. You need something someone else has, how do you get it?
  10. Kim-Jong-Un

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Quiz topic: Can I Survive WW3?