Can you survive Indominus Rex

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Hello, This quiz is to see if you can or can’t survive Indominus Rex. There questions 14 of them. WOW! I hope you enjoy my quiz. One time, Indominus had a sister( that sister looked exactly like indoraptor)

One day the original Indominus Rex ate her. That was a story a wonderful story right. Did you know: once you shot indominus it doesn’t make it go to heaven. That is because of it’s spikes.

Created by: Jakobe swift
  1. 1: how much percent smart are you
  2. 2: can you beat a ninja
  3. Can you Tran velociraptors?
  4. What do you like for dinner
  5. Can you be Dr.Wu ( if you want to be Dr.Wu be good at Biology)
  6. Can you handle the dark?
  7. What weapons do you have
  8. What class are you best at?
  9. Do you stay still all the time?
  10. What sickness is your enemy
  11. Can you beat The dark lord?
  12. Can you beat Own
  13. Can you survive in all the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies
  14. Can you beat mosasaurs

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Quiz topic: Can I survive Indominus Rex
