Can you survive Ben Drowned?

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Okay so basically Im testing you... on if you can survive ben drowned, so you'll be asked a series of questions, some may get you to gain piont and some may get you to loose points so yeah!

You're being tested on if you will survive Ben Drowned, your percent will be at the bottom! If you got a low percent, OHHHHHHHHHH BABY! You need to get to learning karate and stuff!

Created by: Ashtyn
  1. How old are you?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. How Tall Are you?
  4. What's your zodiac symbol?
  5. (Continuation) What's your zodiac symbol?
  6. What's your favorite creepypasta?
  7. Which three would you choose from to date?
  8. What's your eye color?
  9. What color do you usually wear?
  10. What's your favorite emoji?

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Quiz topic: Can I survive Ben Drowned?
