Can you survive a Zombie,Vampire and Werewolf invaision

You know we are not all the living things there are a lot of species including aliens but this is not about alien but its about Zombies aha,Vampires gasp and werewolf's the three most common monster ever made.

I created this quiz to scare you and to scare and to scare you more so enjoy this quiz and gear up for a very gruesome civil war and if you lose our world will be lost forever.

Created by: Luke

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A news report goes interrupting your programme and says the are Zombies coming from Texas,Vampires from Pennsylvania and Werewolf's from Kentucky you live in Idaho what do your do?
  2. A news report goes interrupting your programme and says the are Zombies coming from Texas,Vampires from Pennsylvania and Werewolf's from Kentucky you live in Idaho what do your do?
  3. You look out the window and you see Zombies coming up the street and one sees you,you have 5 weapons which ones do you use to kill it?
  4. You go outside to find your friend and his girlfriend walk up to you house and your friend says your girlfriend is in serious danger she is being attacked by a group of Werewolf's what do you do?
  5. You go outside and find you friend in his car with 3 more friends with a SMG,Assault Rifles,Shotguns,Flamethrower's and a pistol which one do you take.
  6. One of the guys in the car says you guys should stop for gas you stop and an old man that looks quite pale like a vampire appears and asks you do take him with what do you do?
  7. You see a small shack which you can bunk in for the night,when your get there the door is open and when you go inside you find a dead body with a note that says: An apocalypse is born then you hear a noise what do you do?
  8. A group of hot girl vampires show up and ask to stay for the night you and your friends know what's going on and have 5 things what do you use
  9. You go out of the hideout to notice the town is empty and in the distance there a group of all 3 creature Z,V and W you have no weapons what do you do?
  10. You run into the local church the vampires follow you what do you do to kill them?
  11. The zombies follow you to the river what do you do?
  12. You guys run back to your hideout with a pack of werewolf's right behind you,you have packed ammunition for all the werewolf's what do you use?
  13. Its been a year since it happened and you are married than its breaking news there are a group of Zombies,what's on your mind? at f

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Quiz topic: Can I survive a Zombie,Vampire and Werewolf invaision