Can you survive a Zombie outbreak? (SCP Version) [Remake!]



Created by: Alphaplayer6
  1. You Get an EAS Alert on your TV saying that there is a prion in your city turning People into Zombies.
  2. A month later you find out that you are low on supplies and decide to head out to search for supplies. What weapon do you bring?
  3. You arrived at the shop and see 2 infected at the front. What do you do?
  4. (Answer none if you didnt choose the gun) You went into the shop and got supplies to last for a good while.. Unluckily other Zombies heard the gunshots and are outside the front door trying to break in.
  5. You got a good amount of supplies to last a month. You now need to decide how to exit
  6. You got back to your home but find the door open. What do you do?
  7. you find a zombie inside the house.
  8. You are packing the supplies away when you hear a scream outside. you peek and see a family of 4 in a car with zombies attempting to break in.
  9. The option you chose does not matter. As you killed the zombies and saved the family of 4 you and the family go inside the house. you soon hear the rotors of a helicopter
  10. Okay! last question. are you enjoying the quiz? (Will not affect results)
  11. After shooting the gun in the air, you followed the chopper into the forest, you soon lose sight of the chopper and are lost in the forest, after going around for a bit you find a strange machine with green gas emiting out the top in the middle of the forest. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Can I survive a Zombie outbreak? (SCP Version) [Remake!]
