Can you pass this science test?

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Welcome to another quiz! This quiz is to test your science knowledge. If you don't like science, don't take this quiz. If you do, take this quiz to see if you really like it.

People who pass science class will do great on this quiz. However, people who do not know science will fail (or get a low score). Let's see which category you fit into.

Created by: jwziliak
  1. How many planets orbit the sun?
  2. What are clouds made of?
  3. What do you call an animal who eats only animals?
  4. What is Newton's third law of motion?
  5. What is a ph scale?
  6. How do you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius?
  7. What do you call a baby frog?
  8. What temperature does water freeze at?
  9. How many hours of sleep do we need?
  10. What organism is unicellular?
  11. What color eye is rarer?
  12. Can you predict what you're kid will look like?
  13. What is the highest frequency that a human can register?
  14. What food group is cheese in?
  15. What type of light does not exist?

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Quiz topic: Can I pass this science test?
