See if you can do this! I would find it hard! I hope you do this and try to aim higher each time maybe one day you could get 100% on this quiz, just think!

What did you get? Comment and let me know! I love this website and I love making quizzes! Check out my other quiz, how much do you know about sharks! 🦈

Created by: Yappygirl07
  1. You come to six haunted houses. Which do you pick.
  2. You are now inside, you hear a noise, what do you do?
  3. There is a note saying, eat this apple! What do you do?
  4. You see a 🤡! What do you do?
  5. It leaves, what next?
  6. You have different exits! Which one do you take?
  7. You are running. You see a lost kid! What do you do?
  8. You are so close to home! What do you do?
  9. Extra!! What is my favourite colour?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Can I PASS THIS QUIZ WITH 100%