Can You Match My Kinky Mindset?? (18+ ) Adult humor.

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Hello there! I won’t get into too much detail here but I created this for my friends to play or anyone who knows me. For those of you who don’t know me, maybe you’ll laugh at this.

For those of you who don’t know me, maybe you’ll laugh at this. You’ll see how nasty minded you are if you get my humor. Fellow Virgo here. Thanks for playing! :)

Created by: MetalAndMedical
  1. Why is this necessary??
  2. Have you or do you wish to read all 50 Shades of Grey novels?
  3. Would you rather eat or be eaten?
  4. Do you list your fantasies?
  5. How many anime guys do you envision yourself with?
  6. Do you want a front row seat of a Magic Mike show?
  7. Do you find yourself reading erotica/stories that are made about different characters being in relationships?
  8. Do you have bursts of ecstatic wild energy when around your closest friends?
  9. Do you ever pretend to be Britney Spears performing before getting in the shower?
  10. What animal would you be?
  11. Do you know what hentai is?
  12. Do you draw sexual images sometimes for fun or for practice?
  13. Have you ever wanted to make a mold of yourself.
  14. What music do you listen to?
  15. Favorite movie genre?
  16. Are you an actual food lover?
  17. What is your favorite color?
  18. Are you in a relationship?
  19. Do you have any fetishes?
  20. Any of these appeal to you?
  21. Any of these scenarios seem fun?
  22. Would you even pretend to be a character (Cosplay, acting etc..?)
  23. Do you know who made this?
  24. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  25. Oh and one more thing! Which trait best describes you?

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Quiz topic: Can I Match My Kinky Mindset?? (18+ ) Adult humor.

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