Can you impress me? (This isn't about flirting cause SHEESH)

HAYE PEOPLES. Are you ready to take on the challenge of trying to impress MOI??? It's obviously going to be super hard because I have very strong opinions and I reject stuff. Well anyways have fun.

FILLER!! ijewaok;ewoewjhnedopfgvjkaweokdfopwaok;wklawjndfjklwsoifdsopewrijewqjipfqjopfengajkbajkhgadjkvcklefjreji;dsajdh;ebkesokfdpo;waebfdsjpoqenlkdfkl;qwkjdef

Created by: KrazyGirl765
  1. How loud can you yell?
  2. Are you a human?
  3. Would you jump out the window of a four story house to impress your crush?
  4. Would you jump out the window of a four story house to impress ME?
  5. Would you jump out the window of a four story house to impress Sonic?
  6. Any thoughts on Shadow the Hedgehog?
  7. Truth or Dare!
  8. I dare you to jump out the window of a four story house!
  9. Are you annoyed that I keep talking about jumping out windows of four story houses?
  10. Ok I want to give a shout out to Sonic Tails Lf/K for inspiring me to make weirder quizzes than I already was!
  11. PARTY!

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Quiz topic: Can I impress me? (This isn't about flirting cause SHEESH)

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