Can You Help Me On Something Pls?

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hewo. uhhhhhhhhhh i have a question and it will be very helpful if u could help me sooooooooooooooo......... can u pls pls pls pls help me whit this??

HOW THE HECK DO I LEVEL UP?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i u know, pls let me know k? put it in the comments cuz i dont know how to level up and i dont whats its for.

Created by: TheAlien
  1. do you know how to level up?
  2. whats leveling up for
  3. will u tell me how to level up?
  4. pls
  5. will u comment
  6. will u rate
  7. both?
  8. bye
  9. qwq
  10. ok bye
  11. if u help me, thx

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Quiz topic: Can I Help Me On Something Pls?

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