Can you guess the song lyrics?

Do you know any song lyrics?well get ready because your going to have to guess the song this quiz there are many song lyrics that may be hard to guess but yet,some might be easy to can find out how well you know the song lyrics if you take this quiz!

How well do you KNOW the song lyrics?can you guess them?well you shood guess them good because this quiz involves guessing the song lyrics.get ready for guessing them.this could have hard song lyrics.hope you do good=)

Created by: Slue
  1. "Into the night!___________! i need you'r love,to save my live!"(Speed Over Beethoven,By Rose)
  2. "___________!And Im Hungry like a wolf!"(Hungry like a Wolf ,by Duran Duran)
  3. "Life is just a party so come as you are!___________ never forget you'r guitar!"(Let's get Crazy,by Hannah Montanna)
  4. "One day,mabye next week _________!"(One Way or Another,by Blondie)
  5. "Spam!in the place where i live!_________."(Spam,by Weird Al Yankovic)
  6. "Somemany times,it happens to fast.___________(Eye of The Tiger,by Survivor)
  7. "Win the part,think bigger,___________thats better"(I want it all,by Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel)
  8. "When I'm dancing _________!She blinded me with science!Science!"(She Blinded Me with Science,by Thomas Dolby)
  9. "Left Right Left!____________!The airforce remp!(Captin Jack,by Captin Jack Clubmixes)
  10. Thriller!__________!Your fighting for your life !(Thriller,by Micheal Jackson)

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Quiz topic: Can I guess the song lyrics?