can you dance like shakira?

what is a dancer?a dancer is someone who put effort in move and styles!did you know that most people are dancers?you could be one!thank you for taking my quiz!

Are you a dancer well you might not be but it is easy to make a quiz. all you need is a computer, tittle, questions, can do it i did it and it only takes 15-20 mins but its easier than you think!

Created by: Aubree!!
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. dou you like ____songs?
  2. what kind of dances do u like
  3. what do u do in your spare time?
  4. i shop at ?
  5. if ur friend was getting picked on what would u do
  6. fav color
  7. fav word
  8. finish lyrics: ill be there and
  9. what word discribes shakira
  10. do u think u can dance and sing like shakira
  11. did u like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Can I dance like shakira?