Can you beat me in a fight

Can you beat me in a fight? Most people can't. Need to fill word count jffhjcjhcgckhbjhcjhvhjcgcjyfukdykdiydkydfhxjgxgjdghzjgxkyxghgbkhvihvmhvhjfhivhivkvkjvkh


Created by: Jo
  1. How strong are you for your age
  2. How do react to pain.
  3. How fast can you run 100m
  4. Now let's start the fight. I am 1.7m and can lift over 200 pounds. I weigh about 50kg and don't react to pain. Do you think you can beat me.
  5. I manage to tackle you to the ground and start punching what do you do
  6. This time you take me to the ground what do you do
  7. We run at each other head to head what do you do
  8. I get you on the ground you know you can't last much longer what do you do
  9. Now you get me on the ground once more what do you do
  10. I'm going for a k.o what do you do

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Quiz topic: Can I beat me in a fight
