can we be friends

i want to know if we can be friends so take this quiz to see if we can i am sooooo excited to meet you on discord if we can be friend i think it will be so cool!

the last 4 questions are nothing so just answer them but dont worry they have no afect on your score so if we truly are friends than it is men to be and it is not fake.:)

Created by: Mia
  1. do you like dogs or cats?
  2. (if u said dog) do you like black labs
  3. (if you said cat) do you really like cats?
  4. are you weird
  5. do you like pie
  6. do you like thanksgiving or Christmas better
  7. i have no other questions and have to do ten so the next ones will have on affect on your scor
  8. ....................
  9. .rj4ujyjyj
  10. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

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