can u solve basic math and other things

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lets see if you're slow are in between or smart in the want me to make alot of words in stuff. u are a great in smart person no matter what so yeah.

good luck literally my friend it wants me to say alot of words so um I hope you do good in stuff in yea so like umhm and umm yea so like yeah huh ywaaaa

Created by: jaytheonefrfr11
  1. what's 4.0 times 47
  2. can chickens fly?
  3. whats 1+1(9+10)=
  4. is it something wrong with this question .
  5. whats 9x12=?
  6. how is hard work different from not working hard.
  7. what Is 90x 10=
  8. what's 12x5+=
  9. 13x3
  10. 80x12=

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