Can u guess my favs of some categories?

This is quiz is all about luck,So good luck on it,ik sometimes things is pretty hard,not as easy as it look but remember never back down never give up. u can do ittttt

And also good try if u atleast tried to guess the answers,no hurt feelings, remember never give up! u can do it. Idk what to put next ahhhh have a goof day ig

Created by: Zuha_sserafim
  1. Hello! this is my first time making quizzes! And this quiz is all about luck,so goog luck,anyways. Question-Which is my favorite season?
  2. My favorite Sport?
  3. My favorite place to live in?
  4. My fav type of music?
  5. My favorite color?
  6. My National?
  7. My personality?
  8. Guess if i m a Night owl or Morning person?
  9. My favorite food?
  10. Last question! Good luck on ur scoreQuestion-My favorite type of mobile phone

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