Can u beat joe in a fight

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DO U THINK U CAN BEAT ME????? THE JOE??????? OF COURSE NOT (:{ BUT TAKE THIS TEST IF U THINK U CAN(insert evil leaugh) u probabky wont be ablt to do it

u can do it if u try tho, maybe, idk, idc eithe... just take the frikin test and stop reading this bull crap m typing here to make up the word count to be done here.

Created by: joe
  1. Choose your weapon
  2. whats your initial approach
  3. who are u?
  4. u attack joe(only one of these actually land the attack, hit or miss)
  5. music starts playing as the fight grows more intense...
  6. there is a bomb strapped to ur back, u need to cut one of the wires to difuse it
  7. are you a duck?
  8. left twix or right twix
  9. 6 / 2(2+1) =
  10. 11?
  11. do u think u won?
  12. YOU WON

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