Can i have some advice please?

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Created by: ILoveMyKitty
  1. Alright. So I have two friends, Kelsie and Brooke. Both are 15. A few days ago Brooke told me that she is pregnant. Then Kelsie said she is too. And that they went to the doctor together. I just laughed and thought they were joking. Brooke said whatever so I turned to Kelsie and said "Come on, tell me the truth."
  2. Kelsie said that she is pregnant. I don't think Kelsie is because 1) She told me just last week that she is still a virgin, and you cant get pregnant that quick 2) she said she is two months pregnant with her bf's baby, but she only started dating him last week.
  3. Now Brooke I really don't know about. She's known to lie but she is a little... well, let's just say she's been with a lot of guys. She says she doesn't know who the dad is.
  4. They've been going on with this for days. I'm not sure if they're telling the truth or trying to get attention or what.
  5. I'm not sure what to believe with these two! I really don't think that they're pregnant.
  6. What do you think?
  7. Please comment!
  8. Bye!
  9. Xoxoxo
  10. Bye!

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