Can I guess your mood?

This is a three mood quiz. Mad, sad, and happy! This is my first quiz I've made here. Did you know that happy people like to eat pizza more than sad people? And that sad people like ice cream and cookies!

This took about 20 minutes to make. If you like you can tell me in the comments what you got, what you think, and how I can improve. But of course I don't mean that because I HAVE to write this πŸ™„

Created by: Cool dude quizzes!!!
  1. How was your day?
  2. Choose a story
  3. Choose a food!
  4. Choose a powerpuff girl!
  5. Choose one
  6. Choose a few emojis
  7. Choose a kind of food
  8. Someone just ruined your day. What do you do?
  9. Choose a color that describes how you feel
  10. Do you like this quiz (won't affect your answer.)

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Quiz topic: Can I guess my mood?
