can i guess YOUR age quiz!?

thank you for playing my quiz it took a long time and efort to make this so bye and have a good one cya later aligator and for all of you kids out there happy day!

i hope you play my eah quiz cause it took a long time to make so yeah i made this for you to enjoy and it was trial and error so yeah cya later choconater

Created by: jojo
  1. would you rather?
  2. what would you do with your friends
  3. what would you do for fun in your free time
  4. what game would you play?
  5. what music do you perfer?
  6. what type of people do you find intrest in
  7. what movie would you watch?
  8. what is your favorite color?
  9. what job would you rather have?
  10. what would you rather be paid with?

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