Can I guess what gender you are?

This quiz will try and tell what your gender is based on your childhood and your past. But, if I get it wrong, PLEASE notice that I'm human and I am NOT PERFECT!

Please choose your answers VERY CAREFULLY! If you don't, then I probably will get it wrong. So take your time and choose the answers that are the most honest to me AND yourself. :)

Created by: eboosurviv81
  1. Which of these people was (or still is) your favorite?
  2. Which one of these did you play with the most when you were little?
  3. What is your greatest fear? Be honest, nobody will see your results.
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. What is your age?
  6. Do you like video games?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Which of these foods do you like the most?
  9. What gender is your partner?
  10. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate this quiz?

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