Can I be a Tent?

You have amazing qualities, and all sientists would say, "You are special!" You live life amazingly, and make peoples heart feel warm! How great, RIGHT? But are you a tent...

It is sientifically proven that tents don't havea brain, and when they do, it leaves the next morning. But sientists also say that YOU COULD BE A TENT! Don't be shy, take the quiz!!!

Created by: the Giraffe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like cheese?
  2. Do you enjoy water
  3. On a day to day basis, do you visit the bathroom?
  4. What type of tent would you be?
  5. You sleep...
  6. Are you always fishing for socks
  7. so... your name's...
  8. Potatoes!
  9. Do you like...
  10. Was this worth your time?

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