campjulychallenge character quiz

Welcome to my 10 question character quiz with four of my main characters as answers (the MC, love interest, antagonist, rebel leader, and cin-bun). Hope you enjoy!

Apparently I need to fill in all these fields (despite not having any information to add), so if you see gibberish anywhere in the quiz, or me rambling like this, you know why

Created by: jess
  1. Favourite time of day?
  2. Your ideal weather for a day?
  3. What is your favourite season?
  4. What place would you rather explore?
  5. What would you rather fight with?
  6. How would you like to be described?
  7. What would be your dream position in a fantasy world?
  8. If you were stuck inside for a day, what would you do?
  9. What most intrigues you?
  10. Pick a character most like you from brooklyn-99!

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