Camp Half Blood Story

This is a story quiz to find out who your friends are at Camp Half Blood.

The possible friends are Clarisse la Rue, Katie and Miranda Gardner, Travis and Connor Stoll, Thalia, or Percy Annabeth and Grover. Nico is not an option because at this point in the book he's trying to raise his sister from the dead and friendship is the last thing on his mind.

Created by: Bob
  1. Hi
  2. Today is your first day at Camp Half Blood. You're currently fourteen years old. It seems like everyone your age has established friendships. Who do you walk towards
  3. Instead of talking to one of them, Chiron approaches you. He tells you everything and said to go to the Hermes cabin as he points to it. He the leaves, what do you do?
  4. Time skip to the Camp Fire. As you're about to leave a shimmery light surrounds you. Chiron then says,"All hail ____, daughter of ___!" Who's your parent?
  5. You then head over to your cabin. You look for someone you recognze, who do you see?
  6. What do you guys talk about?
  7. Do you see any guys or girls that catch your eye?
  8. Pick one
  9. This is almost over
  10. Last one. Byeeeeee!

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