call of duty girl

you people are smart, but are you a genius?Please take this quiz to see how smart you are!this quiz is about your life to see would be then your life now!

you know you are smart, but this quiz can get you smarter!so try this quiz to see how smart you are! this quiz is on your life then the kind of boring life.

Created by: alexis

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what game would u play?
  2. what rated movie or game would u see or play?
  3. on your date u would.......
  4. would u...........
  5. sometimes u....
  6. are u right when u think someone likes u?
  7. every one fell asleep in class u......
  8. on hallowen u.......
  9. what person would u date?
  10. u want to go someplace and your parents wont let u you
  11. are you a call of duty or gears of war girl/guy

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