California Freeways Quiz

Ah, the Interstate Highway system…one of Eisenhower’s greatest accomplishments. Multiple lanes carrying millions of cars in a day..of course, not all of these multi-lane roads are interstates, per se, some are state routes.

Your job is to correctly identify the freeway or the city that contains the freeway. Some may be well known and easily identifiable. Others may be obscure except for the locals who use it or trivia whizzes. Good luck!

Created by: Javi
  1. Which 1 digit freeway starts at the San Ysidro border station and ends north of Yreka?
  2. Which freeway serves Oceanside, CA, to Escondido, CA?
  3. Besides the 5, which freeway is the central artery of the Central Valley?
  4. The 80 starts in which populated city?
  5. The 10 starts in which populated city?
  6. The 395 passes through which geographic feature?
  7. Which freeway passes through Tehachapi Pass?
  8. Which city is a junction of the 15 and the 40?
  9. Which freeway would you use to get to Monterey if you started in Santa Cruz?
  10. Last one: how many county seats does the 8 go through?

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