Burrito Games (Band edition)

If you are not in my band class, you won't understand the Burrito Games. They are a version of Hunger games that have the band instruments. I hope you enjoy!

Note: This is for fun, do not yell or get mad. For example: If you are a flute and end up with a drum or tuba that is what the computer says. You are just rooting for what you get.

Created by: Jillian
  1. Do you squeak a lot??
  2. Band is awesome!
  3. Do you think your instrument will win?
  4. Which is your favorite? (This doesn't count)
  5. Who is perfect
  6. Do you da gorilla jumps?
  7. What do you play
  8. Who do you think is the most annoying ??
  9. Do you like band?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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