
I want to know what you think about bunnies. So you should take this quiz. It's all about your opinion. If you don't like bunnies, that's fine. But please take this quiz about.....Bunnies

Really, you should try to be nice to bunnies and take this quiz. Also this is for people who don't have bunnies. But mostly for people who do. Because I want to know your opinion...!

Created by: sara

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do have a bunny or more than one?
  2. If you do are bunnies good pets?
  3. Is your bunny cute or adorable?
  4. Do you think everyone should have have a bunny?
  5. Should people who like holding animals have bunnies?
  6. did you like my quiz better than others????
  7. do you think bunnies are better pets than dogs or cats?
  8. Are bunnies cuter than guinea pigs?
  9. Do you like the name bunnies better than rabbits?
  10. are bunnies the most adorable things in the whole entire universe????

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