Bunks character quiz

Have you ever wondered if you were the incredible Griff jones or the incredebiley stupid cancer McCormick. Well wonder no more if you take this cool quiz.

Will you take the chance to figure it out? If so remember some are worthless. While others are incredibly important. When you are done reading this dive into a world of coolness.

Created by: Owen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Griff get over her and ask a question. Fine. Are you a bad or good kid?
  2. Do you like stealing?
  3. XANDER Emma is here. Do you like music?
  4. Jorge I have burritos. Can you handle... Ugh Jorge!!!!!!!... Bad smells
  5. Emma do you like shoes dressed etc.
  6. Do you like nature?
  7. Who do you want to get
  8. What is your favorite color
  9. Gladys's its tech sunday! I know but do you like pizza
  10. Did you like it?
  11. Who do you want to get?

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