BUffy Men, which is you lover

This is a quiz to find out who is you perfect buffy guy this is just ramble dont bother reading this is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother reading

It out of : Giles Angel Xander and Spike this is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother readingthis is just ramble dont bother reading

Created by: Dd

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a party person or a stay in person?
  2. Are you a night person or a day?
  3. Do you like Puppets?
  4. Are you an animal person?
  5. Who are you most like?
  6. Who are you most like?
  7. Who do you think would be your perfect buffy man match?
  8. Plans for the future?
  9. Do you like nick names?
  10. Are you a talker or a listener?

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