WHICH BTS MEMBER WILL YOU MARRY? wibble and wibble and wobble and wobble and wibble and wibble and wobble and wobble .;';=j ihflsncurcuomhdhhjwciuhnibfc

Me: I dont have anything else to say... Also me: I should just publish This site: Hippity hoppity the amount of characters in your text is now my property!

Created by: WibWob
  1. Are you aggressive?
  2. Do you like jams?
  3. Are you 'Worldwide Handsome'?
  4. Do you like bunnies? UwU
  5. Are you hopeful?
  6. Do you like puppies?
  7. Do you have suger in your tea?
  8. Who do you want?
  9. Why? >:)
  10. BYEEEE

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