Brycen (Part 2)

Yep, this was a dare. idndkdididisjfjifiendididkdkdiidndkdifkfkfkkdlsirififjcnxkididkdieifjdkfsososldkfkdlsldldaosodkfkflslsodkdkdkdkssksksoeododldkdk


Created by: derecho
  1. Aight, is Brycen cool?
  2. Why did you say Brycen wasn't cool?
  3. What should I talk about now?
  4. Ok, let's talk about nothing, XD
  5. XD
  6. Lol
  7. Brycen is AWESOME!!!
  8. 2+2=12
  9. Bye-Bry
  10. Aloha

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