Brycen is a cool dude

So, a user by the name of ItsBrycen dared me to make a quiz about him (probably because I told him to make a quiz about how much he loves me smh) so here it is.

So here you are, Bry! This is probably one of the weirdest quizzes I've ever made (I'm not counting the big fat spice woman one because THAT WAS JUNE I SWEAR) but ayy enjoy

Created by: SprinkledSpice
  1. Brycen is a pretty cool guy :D
  2. He is handsome u-u
  3. He is smart ^^
  4. He has a very nice Nacho couch, but our old Taco couch got eaten by Cats :(
  5. He has sent me memes and a VERY cursed Kermit vid, please cleanse my eyes and ears immediately
  6. He is very sweet and makes me very happy :>
  7. Bry also dared me to do this lol
  8. He likes dirt and anime lol
  9. He calls me smexy and a snacc but I'm NOT >:(
  10. We are married with two kids -w-
  11. So in conclusion? I CALL DIBS ON THIS MANS, I'M KEEPING HIM

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