Broken Wings Part 5 should read part 1-4 before reading this, thank you! if you did...good job! :) if you didnt....GO READ IT NOW!!! thank you very much x3

so...yah. do what paragragh one told you to do the quiz! the paragraphs dont really matter so you dont really have to read them anymore.

Created by: iLuvMusic99

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The door opens..aeo stared at the person standing at the door. you tried to see who it wa, but theo was blocking. when he turned around, his eyes were wide. "_________, its....."
  2. "...i should let yo see for yourself..." he turned away. your eyes wadenend at the face you saw. the fach had silver eyes, flecked with blue. the face had dark hair with a blue streak. the face was Ian. your supposedly "dead" elder brother. suppsedly. they never did find his body...
  3. "ian" grinned, and ruffled your hair. "hows it goin little sis?" your mouth opened in a perfect "o". "i-i-i-ian??? y-y-you were d-dead?" yuor voice raised at the end, making it sound like a question. ian ginned wider. "well somebody's got to take care of you."
  4. you stared at him, your mouth opening and closing like a fish. unable to process what you saw. he was dead! he fell of a cliff! but there he was, perfectly fine, in front of you. alive. breathing. he laughed again, and pulled you into a hug. "hows it goin? did ya miss me?" slowly you processed what yuo saw. he was alive! and perfectly well. slowly, you started to smile. you lightly punched his shoulder and joked "well, i guess your alive, now what? dotn tell me your also one of my knights." his face fell, and he stopped smiling. "what?" you asked, your smile also falling. "what?" you whispered again. ian slowly looked at you. "you already found out..."he whispers. "what do you mean?
  5. he looked at you sadly. "i think you should sit down. get the other guys here too. they also need to know this." slowly, you walked over to the couch with the other boys. "what do you need to tell me, ian?" you slowly looked at his face, which was frowning. "well, _____, i never hoped to tell you this...i hoped i was wrong..." he shook his had sadly "what?" you asked again. "you can tell us ian." ian looked at you. "can i?" he asked. "can i tell you? will you not hate me?" you stared at him. "i cant promis anything ian. you know that. i can only hope not to." ian smiled. faint, but still smiled. he sighed, and started to talk. "_______, im actually not your real brother. iwas a ophan, who sensed that he was different. and found out about the 5th rose knight. which is me."you and the guys gaped at him. "b-b-but...the fithe rose knight has never appeared since the first rose princess" hikari whispered "and won't appear until the most powerful princess has appeared. which is supposed to be millions of years from now." ian looked at him. "supposed to. who says that it HAS to?" hikari stared at ian. and ian conitinued. "when i was traveling to find the princess, when i was walkng past a house, i felt a strong...urge you can say, to peek into a window. thats when i saw you, _______. when i saw you, i just knew that you were her, the one."
  6. "thats when i placed fake momoeries of me in your head, and joined your family." you gaped at him. "so...your not my brother? the you i have in my all....wrong? not you? fake?" you laughed hysterically. "so i dont know you at all?" ian reached for your hand, but you pulled away. "oh, its okay. i understand perfectly. just leave me alone for a sec, okay?" without waiting for a reply, you left to your room.
  7. you collapsed on the bed, and cried yuorself to sleep.
  8. in your dream, a pair of eyes appeared in your dream. the same as yours, but with a bloodred tear at the tip. "let me live again....." it whispered. its voice became louder and louder. you covered your ears but the sound was vibrating in yuor skull. "let me in......LET ME IN! LET ME IN!" the eyes changed colors. now they were dark red.
  9. a hand appeared with a knife. "too bad i cant kill you with thisss...or else ill kill my self hee hee hee." it giggled. the shrill sound sent shivers down your back. "HEE HEE HEE! HEE HEE HEE!!!" its voice vibrated around your head. you clutcched your skull, trying to get the sound out. slowly, the hand with the nknife cut you, on the face. and you felt the pain. you jerked awake. phew, you thought, it was only a dream. but then yuo touched you face, and you stifled a scream. you brang your hand down, and saw it, with scarlet at the very tips. something warm was dripping down your face. THE CUT WAS STILL THERE.
  10. bye bye ;) come back for part 6!
  11. rate and comment please! tell me who you like!

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