breyer model quiz

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There are lots of smart people but some are true geniuses and as the quiz puts it im one of them and you are quiz is about breyers and some famous horses

The some famous horses are padre and totilas the dressage experts yey.Try to make your own quiz once you taje mine and just well have fun more info in the next paragraph

Created by: bops mc quaid
  1. The rare retired model is called fire what type of color is he?
  2. What breed is the legendery totilas
  3. What color is totilas
  4. What is padre
  5. Does padre?
  6. Whats the oldest breyer in these 4 possible anwears
  7. What should you never do with a breyer horse?
  8. What's the most breyers someone has
  9. How many breyers are made in a day
  10. Whats my favourite color breyer do you think?
  11. What color is the cancer horse?

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