
What band do you like? But wait you'll find out here, because this Is your destined band you've yet to cross by. This quiz will give you a band and you should listen to it ;D

So in a few minutes you'll know what band you will be listening to for the rest of your life. Maybe not life o-o But whatever. xD I don't have anything else to say, so take the quiz already.

Created by: Brianna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like dyed hair?
  2. What music's do you already like?
  3. Do you like strong voices?
  4. Do you like Gerard Way?
  5. "All my life I've been good but now..." Finish the line >:3
  6. Love songs?
  7. How does your mind think?
  8. I'm running out of questions. How's your day?
  9. Fav color?
  10. Books?

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