Breakin' Quiz 1

Breakin' is one of the biggest cult classic movies out there. Here's a quiz to test your knowledge to see if you qualify to join the Breakin' cult of fanboys and fangirls out here who can't seem to get enough of this fantastic movie!

Answer the following questions to the best of your ability and let's see if you are a true Breakin' fan. No fakers allowed!! Remember, Turbo, Kelly, and Ozone are watching.

Created by: Shequeta

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  1. Name Kelly's dancer friend who visits her at work at the very beginning?
  2. What's the name of slimy dance teacher who taught Kelly and Adam's Jazz dance class?
  3. What is Turbo's real name in the movie?
  4. Finish this phrase... Turbo: "You owe me seven dollars man" Teacher: "Yeah, what for?"
  5. What gangsta rapper got his start in this movie?
  6. What well known action star was seen clapping and dancing off beat in the first beach scene?
  7. What's the name of the Breakin' duo that Ozone and Turbo go up against in their battle scenes?
  8. What's the song Turbo does the broom dance to?
  9. What's the name that the manager names the TKO Crew in order to help them blend in for their final audition for the Jazz show?
  10. What well known black actress was seen in the credits at the beginning?

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