Basically, this test will determin how much u know me. Nothing really more to say about dis other than be honest... Send ur resultz and ping me cuz idk :3

Also lil shoutout to BweeeNywan fwor the idea so yeahALSO little tihnk u should now is dat please answer how u feel :3Gl on this "test", wai- dont need luck.. Just answer honestly and ull be fine!!!

Created by: Breadest Bread
  1. Am i a furry?
  2. Who's my favourite SR. Mod???
  3. Whos ma favoruite jr mod
  4. That was a trick questions!!! I like all jr mods equally (i dont), Anybay... Am i bread?
  5. What gender am i??? (how do peoples not know this 😭😭)
  6. in ywour opwiniwion, awm i a fwembwoy?!?
  7. What kountry do i live in??
  8. Am i cool?
  9. How do i greet peoplez??
  10. Do i hav a pet?
  11. How tall am i?!
  12. Fill in thwe blanks:_ _ _ _ _ EVERY _ _ _ _!!!!! :3

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