Boy meets world how well do you know

This about trying to make Friend's and learn something new if you tried this quiz that means you tried something new. Boy meet's world is about finding each other when you need them the most.

This meant to know if you knew what this was all about if you got most of the questions right then that's good but if you got only like one, two, or three right that's okay you at least tried.

Created by: Crystal
  1. Did Shawn have a mate?
  2. What season did Cory get his first date?
  3. How long was Feeny Cory's teacher?
  4. Where did Cory and Topanga first kiss happen?
  5. Who was the one who purposed at graduation?
  6. What did Morgan do when her parents were fighting?
  7. Who was the first person Cory hit?
  8. Eric had to room mates who were they?
  9. Who was Cory's neighbor?
  10. In a show Topanga had to kiss?

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Quiz topic: Boy meets world how well do I know