Bored? This will make you laugh.

So you're probably on this quiz site because you're bored, right? Don't worry, it happens to us all. You can say this is close to those "Can You Relate?" quizzes, but just a little different.

I hope that you enjoy these! Note that these are all clean, so everyone can (hopefully) like to read these. Thanks for clicking on this. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment when you're done.

Created by: Stardust1

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So, funny quote number one. Marry someone who has a different favorite cereal than you so they won't eat all of yours.
  2. I can tell you the best way to quit smoking. And I know, because I've done it a hundred times. (This might be from Mark Twain, guys.)
  3. Don't give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.
  4. Only a genius can say these four words really fast four times without getting tongue twisted. Eye, Yam, Stew, Peed
  5. You: Teacher! Teacher: Yes? You: Would you punish me for something I didn't do? Teacher: Of course not! You: Well, good. Because I didn't do my homework.
  6. (Another one for those of you who suffer through school.) Stu(dying) Stu(died)
  7. Suppose you decided to paint your neighbor's fence without the neighbor's permission. You get out a large bucket of red paint and this is what you write on there. "THINGS I HATE." Number one: VANDALISM Number two: IRONY Number three: LISTS
  8. My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. I call it lunch.
  9. Senior citizens texting code: ATD - At the doctors. BFF - Best friend fell. BTW - Bring the wheelchair. BYOT- Bring your own teeth. FWIW - Forgot where I was. GGPBL - Gotta go pace maker battery low GHA - Got heartburn again. IMHO - Is my hearing aid on? LMDO - Laughing my dentures out. OMMR - On my massage recliner. OMSG - Oh my! Sorry, gas. ROFLACGU - Rolling on floor laughing and can't get up. TTYL - Talk to you louder. (I love senior citizens 😊)
  10. Hope you enjoyed these! One last one, for my friend breadboy69! For that pun. And general evil behavior. "So I'm glad I went with the clear phone case." "Well in this CASE, the best option was CLEAR." -_-

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