Body type quiz (for men only)

Take this quiz to see what size you want your girl to be. She may be in shape, she may be fat? She can be anything? But take this quiz and you will find out

Whatever you get, find the girl that matches your result. If you are not satisfied with your result, then try again or find another quiz similar to this one

Created by: Landon
  1. Which of the following do you want your girl to do with you
  2. What would you say if your girl told you she was now plus size
  3. What are your thoughts on curves
  4. What kind of boobs do you want her to have
  5. What are your thoughts on a fupa
  6. What kind of but do you want her to have
  7. What kind of biceps do you want her to have
  8. Which of these models do you like
  9. What are your thoughts on cankles
  10. Would you accept your girl for what size she is

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