Bloons Tower Defense 6 Quiz (Tewtiy and SJB)

btd6 quiz made by SJB fan and Tewtiy fan tell me for more quizzes bye real bye really real bye really really real bye JUST BYE!!! Pls like and watch SJB and Tewtiy they're the best

btd6 quiz made by SJB fan and Tewtiy fan QUiz random stuff SJB is the best Tewtiy is the best yeah yeah yeah 2021 this is just weird random stuff random stuff

Created by: Btd6 fan
  1. What is the most expensive tower in the game?
  2. Which is most expensive?
  3. Which can destroy the B.A.D. layer?
  4. How much monkey money does Etienne cost?
  5. What does UAV do?
  6. Is Superjombombo great?
  7. Is Tewtiy great?
  8. What does B.A.D. stand for?
  9. What does SJB stand for?
  10. Is this quiz great?

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