Bismarckian political compass

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The dream of German Unification was achieved after the decisive defeat of the French in 1871. The German constitution, while giving much power to the Emperor, also has a modern democratic element, with many parties fighting for seats in the Reichstag.

Issues like tariffs, worker's rights, ultramontanism, colonies, diplomacy and constitutionalism dominate the day. Where you stand on these issues will decide which faction you would vote for between 1871 and 1890.

Created by: AntimasonicAction of My Twitter
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  1. Under Pope Pius IX, the Catholic Church has defined the dogma of "Papal Infallibility". Does this development pose a threat to the Reich?
  2. Bismarck, in response to the threat of ultamontanism, has instituted the doctrine of Kulturkampf, formulating many anticatholic policies. How do you stand on these concrete measures?
  3. On issues of foreign trade, where do you stand?
  4. Two attempts at the life of his majesty, Kaiser Wilhelm I., have thankfully been prevented. Bismarck has, in response, forbidden all socialist agitation and all socialist groups. Was this a sound measure?
  5. What should be the Kaiserreich's primary foreign policy doctrine?
  6. Do you favour some specific economic policy?
  7. Chancellor von Bismarck has recently founded what can only be described as a welfare state. Calling it "State Socialism", a national health-insurance, accident-insurance and a pension system have been instituted. Care for a comment?
  8. Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm has clashed with Bismarck on numerous occasions. Do you have hopes for a more liberal Germany under his reign?
  9. Colonies are en vogue, and many favour German annexation of distant lands. Bismarck, however, has been more reserved.
  10. Antisemitism, and especially the anti-capitalist, anti-socialist, antisemitic and protestant fundamentalist movement of Adolf Stoecker have gained much attention. There are now members of he Reichstag on an antisemitic platform. Is antisemitism a problem, in your view?
  11. Finally, what is your final verdict on Bismarck as chancellor?

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