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Thanks for entering BIODIVERSITY STRESS TEST 1 Be prepared. Your deep understanding of mother nature will be severely challenged, let your wild animal instinct answer, and test your faith. 100% of challengers will read one uncomfortable natural history.

We will question you from the Galapagos to the Sahara desert, from Darwin to Cousteau, and from wild mermaids to tamed dinosaurs. Your migration path is boobytrapped, some questions having for example no possible answer. Ridiculously obvious hints should from time to time help you survive.

Created by: 713
  1. What african giant was introduced in Colombia by druglord Pablo Escobar?
  2. The kangaroo is exclusively ...
  3. Captain Jacques Cousteau's emblematic ship ...
  4. How Big Noah's Arch? (1cubit=distance from elbow to fingertips)
  5. The spiral of snail shells is turning right or left?
  6. Snail spirals: more right or more left?
  7. Something inside the sperm whale's head almost killed her
  8. Which of these 3 animals is not used on the Gutenberg press?
  9. Fastest ...
  10. The Jesus Christ lizard can run over water for ...
  11. After walking on water, the Jesus Christ lizard can submerge for ...
  12. Why is the Galapagos cormorant flightless?
  13. What is the actual conservation status of wild mermaids?
  14. A 1$ note weights 1 gram. What is the price of the smallest living bird?
  15. What is this 17 year cicada insect?
  16. What dinosaur species was first tamed by man?
  17. In "The Scorpion and the Frog" fable, in the middle of the river, after lethally stinging her ...
  18. The largest fish of all rivers, seas and oceans?

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