Billie Eilish quiz - are u a real fan or u just love her s

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Hey! This quiz is about billie eilish! Do u now all about her? This is easy test for fans and if u are not a fan here u can learn something about her.

btw please follow my billie eilish fan page (i follow back just to show you know lmao) on instagaram @mama.eilish. Thank you and good luck goodbye i love u!!

Created by: Billie
  1. What's billie's old instagaram name?
  2. Billie's song "ilomilo" is inspired by the?
  3. Her mothers name is?
  4. Finish the lyrics: What do you want from me?
  5. Her brother has a girlfriend. Whats her name?
  6. Who wrote ocean eyes?
  7. What's billie's hair color now
  8. What's billie's nature hair color
  9. Who is blohsh?
  10. Billie said- My bOobS ArE maDe oF -(this question dont have effects)

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