Bikers or surfers

Wow there are a lot of people that are really smart in this word. They make me soo happy happy happy happy happy happy and so do people who can't find there talents 😀😃😀😃

So if you can't find your true Talent do not be sad because right now I can't find a Talent but it dosn't mean you don't have one. Fund your inner talent

Created by: Bahar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Leather or silk
  2. Chill or race
  3. Jump or drag
  4. Ride or swim
  5. Surfboard or Motorcycle
  6. Beach or bar
  7. Be cool or be free
  8. Catch a wave or ride a road
  9. Butchy or Lela
  10. Make a splash or a trail

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