Big Time Rush Quiz 2

THERE ARE MANY SMART PEOPLE, But a few questions WHY DID U DO SO BAD.... just kidding... Just re read and u will do better next time we all know u are a smart person Keep trying

ARE U A GENIUS U GOT 100% correct im proud of u i know big time rush would... Until know i wonder u if u cheated lol jk i know u didnt i would of did good on this quiz like all of u

Created by: David
  1. In Big Time Dance what song do they dance 2? Rmeinder this is Season 1
  2. In Big Time Audition Do they get fired then Re fired after thinking about negotiating with Gustavo?
  3. In Welcome Back Big TIme how many weeks of school work do they have to do since they came back from tour?
  4. In Big Time Green who wins the School Project and get a week off school?
  5. In Big Time Interview and the interviewer asked are you guys single what did they say?
  6. In Big Time Love Song what song do they sing? Reminder Season 1
  7. In Big Time Party does Gustavo realize he wants the guys at the party?
  8. In Big Time Crush who is james over protected of?
  9. In Big Time Super heros who did they guys and gustavo send to jail?

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