Bewitched Quiz...

Remember the 1960's hit TV show "Bewitched? What do like best about "Bewitched'? The nosy neighbor, having magical powers, Endora torturing Darrin?..

Are you really a fan of the show? Do you know all about "Bewitched"? Well if you do then take my quiz and see what you remembered.....................

Created by: Amazn
  1. Where does the Stevens live?
  2. What is your favorite name that Endora calls Darrin?
  3. Gladys Kravitz is a highly nosy neighbor?
  4. What are the names of Sam and Darrins two kids?
  5. Who does Sam turn into a dog because he made a pass at her.
  6. In the episode "Witch or Wife' which star from the moive "1 Million Years B.C." guest stars?
  7. In the episode "Trick or treat" what does Endora turn Darrin into?
  8. What is your favorite female Character?
  9. What is your favorite Male Character?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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