Best Friend Quiz

Hey, this quiz/test is for fun so just don't sweat if you don't do good because I haven't good but my BFF is awesome like yours! Have a superb day!!!!

You and your BFF want to know if you really are "BFFs" just take this test and it will let you know if you guys are really "BFFs" like you probly say you are.

Created by: Grace

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you know your "BFFs" birthday?
  2. Do you know their FULL name?
  3. Do you share who your crush is with each other?
  4. Do you sing in the car together and you don't care how you sound?
  5. You know when it is your friends time of the month because it is yous too.
  6. You have sleepovers like every weekend.
  7. You talk everyday on the phone or txting.
  8. Why did you take this test/quiz?
  9. Your bff knows every guy you layed your eye on.
  10. Do you go to the same school as your "BFF"?

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